The $42-million project proposes a mixture of glass infill and additions. The courtyards of both the Eccles Building (left) and the FRB-East Building (right) would also be enclosed with glass. In May, Fortus presented certain "refinements" in response to feedback form the Commission of Fine Arts.(Fortus/Public Record)
1937年 Paul Philippe Cret 在华盛顿特区宪法大道上为美联储(FRB)设计的埃克斯大楼(Marriner S. Eccles Building)是新古典主义城市建筑的典范。但如果充斥美国艺术委员会( CFA)会议的谈话内容有所预示的话,这栋白色大理石建筑或许早已在推动联邦建筑新指导原则的进程当中了。埃克斯大楼的改造计划也包括 Cret 的法国同事 Jules Henri de Sibour 在1933年为美国公共卫生局设计的美联储东楼。改造项目现正在美国国家首都规划委员会( NCPC)和美国艺术委员会的审查当中。