Hufton+Crow are dedicated to creating inspiring and striking photographs of contemporary interior and exterior architecture around the world. As two experienced photographers with complementary skills and competitive characters they offer a unique service because they work as a team – either both simultaneously photographing one project, or by each providing input, critiques and direction of the others work. The outcome is a passionate attention to detail, the most creative approach possible and a reliable and professional service. Above all, it results in beautiful photographs that show buildings at their best – images that describe architecture within the built environment. Hufton+Crow strive to create strong and lasting professional relationships, by listening and attending to their clients’ objectives first. The breadth of their client base and the longevity of these relationships proves the efficacy of this approach. They shoot digitally, believing that it is the format that can provide the most benefit to the client. They also provide professional re-touching and post-production as part of the service.
斯坦尼斯拉夫斯基工厂/ John McAslan + Partners建筑事务所
英国置身于绿色中的 Holland 建筑集合体 / OMA + Allies & Morrison
萨勒诺海运码头 / 扎哈·哈迪德建筑事务所(Zaha Hadid Architects)
挪威 Fornebuporten 综合体 / Dark Arkitekter + Zinc interior architects
挪威 Fornebuporten 综合体 / Dark Arkitekter + Zinc interior architects
Jian-zhu-shi: Dark Arkitekter, Zinc 室内设计
- 面积: 83400 m²
- 项目年份: 2016
性感与激情的Le Toison d’Or 商业综合大楼 / UNstudio
丹麦微软大楼 / Henning Larsen Architects
UNIQLO 巴黎玛莱店/ Wonderwall
画册: Hufton+Crow建筑摄影工作室拍摄的由UNStudio工作室设计的阿纳姆中央车站中转站
Hufton+Crow 建筑摄影工作室和我们分享了他们最新拍摄的一组照片,阿纳姆中央车站中转站。这是由UNStudio建筑工作室设计,建筑的特点是有一个“扭曲结构的几何屋顶”,建设抛弃了传统施工方法,经过对室内杂乱的结构改造后,释放了60米高的大厅空间。正如建筑师描述的,“天花板、墙壁和地板相互之间都将无缝衔接”,从而形成一个21世纪的中转中心。
哈尔滨歌剧院 / MAD建筑事务所
Dominion 办公楼 / Zaha Hadid Architects
蒙斯国际会展中心(MICX)/ Studio Libeskind + H2a Architecte & Associés
新加坡南洋理工大学学习中心 / Heatherwick Studio
2015年英国皇家建筑师协会伦敦奖(RIBA London Awards)38个获奖者
2015米兰世博会-万科馆 / Daniel Libeskind
建筑师: Studio Libeskind
- 面积: 1210 m²
- 项目年份: 2015
厂家: FiAM, Keil, Lasvit, Vectorworks
2015米兰世博会: Wolfgang Buttress 完成英国国家馆 "虚拟蜂巢"
Wolfgang Buttress的 “颤动”蜂巢是2015年米兰世博会完成的第一批展馆。作为表现英国文化的展馆,“虚拟蜂巢”旨在突出表现蜜蜂的境况,并提供一种“身临其境的体验”,给游客以一种“持久的英国景色的味道”。
蜂房 / Feilden Clegg Bradley Studios
- 项目年份: 0