本项目位于杭州钱江世纪城北单元内,在整个亚运村的核心位置,是亚运会赛事期间的国际区。国际区在赛事期间分别承担行政中心、NOC(亚组委国家地区奥委会National Olympic Committee)服务中心、商业娱乐中心、大型基础服务设施(110kv变电站)等四大主要功能。该设计片区是亚运村功能组成最为重要的公共活动区,也是亚运村对外展示城市形象的主要区域。这个区域的建筑在赛事期间应承担主要的配套服务设施功能,赛后将转化为服务城市的大型公共建筑,满足城市发展对文化、艺术和公共空间的需求。







Meanwhile, Dwelling in the Fuchun Mountains itself is representative of Chinese traditional culture, of which the two parts are separately stored on both sides of the strait. We combine them into one on the facade, which also represents a good wish. For this part of the facade, in the choice of exterior wall materials, after many experiments, turquoise pottery clay louver blades are finally used as the main materials. The facade is glazed, giving both celadon color and a feeling of jade-like warmness and smoothness. With digital design means, a complicated landscape map can be changed into four unit modules.

Dwelling in the Fuchun Mountains is abstractly deduced and completely presented with graceful angle rotation and subtleties between chromatic aberration and shade, thus showing the facade effect full of cultural characteristics of regions south of the Yangtze River. The intention of the city wall displayed by the whole base comes from the interpretation of metal bricks. The metal bricks adopt 300x1200mm module units to be staggered up and down, simulating the masonry mode of traditional bricks. Meanwhile, hollowed-out, semi-hollowed-out, and physically concentrated different unit modules are set up to form a unified and varied facade features and light and shadow effect and finally form the intention of the rhythmical city wall.

3. “People Strolling in a Painting” - Interpretation of Sports Theme. As the core of the Asian Games Athlete Village, the international zone needs to closely follow the sports theme and promote the integration of urban open space and multi-functional service space under the Chinese cultural background. Sports are taken as clues to stimulate the maximum opening of space and emphasize the importance of public engagement. As a result, a 2.0 km three-dimensional runway is created to continuously shuttle between the ground, buildings, and roofs. Combined with the creation of sports and leisure parks, the physical experience and space are fully combined to create a rich sightseeing experience.

Specific to architectural design, there are three points: First, the traveling route is used as a clue to connect the space in series, and a runway nearly two kilometers long runs through the whole site, which is closely combined with the design of the city wall. Specific to the space, taking the city wall as the carrier, various relationships between the traveling route and the wall are established under the wall, in the wall, and on the wall.

Second, continuous multi-scene creation and mutual transformation generate so-called “view changing as people walk”. According to the function and location, the scenes are set according to local conditions and connected in series with the traveling route. For example, there are a series of impressive spaces set along the way, such as magic tunnels passing through buildings, spiraling circular ramps, roof garden stations for stopovers, alleys sandwiched between city walls, large stadium screens wrapped around substations, and spectator stands embedded in buildings.

The third is the abstract deduction of the picture scroll and its relationship with cities and people. As a symbol, the picture after abstract deduction brings the dimension of time into the design, and what is hidden behind the tour is the traditional Chinese sightseeing philosophy. In the setting of the routes, people enjoy the sight of the landscape and walk into it from far to near. Visitors walk into the painting and stroll within from outside to inside. Tourists walk in the city as if they were strolling in a painting. With the principle of integrated design, the Asian Games Athlete Village creates an open attitude toward the public, hoping to reflect its own cultural aspirations and self-confidence in the process of shaping the international urban environment.