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广州海心沙英迪格酒店 / XAA冼剑雄联合建筑设计事务所

广州海心沙英迪格酒店 / XAA冼剑雄联合建筑设计事务所 - 建筑图, 城市, 视窗广州海心沙英迪格酒店 / XAA冼剑雄联合建筑设计事务所 - 建筑图, 视窗, 表皮广州海心沙英迪格酒店 / XAA冼剑雄联合建筑设计事务所 - 建筑图, 视窗, 表皮广州海心沙英迪格酒店 / XAA冼剑雄联合建筑设计事务所 - 室内图, 表皮, 柱, 拱廊广州海心沙英迪格酒店 / XAA冼剑雄联合建筑设计事务所 - 更多图片+ 20

  • 面积 该建筑项目的领域 面积:  67518
  • 项目年份 该建筑项目的竣工年份 项目年份:  2023
  • 摄影师
  • 厂家 该项目中使用产品的品牌
    厂家:  东方雨虹, 广东东莞虎门信义集团有限公司, 广州埃特尼特建筑系统有限公司
  • 主创建筑师: 冼剑雄、詹涛
  • Interior Design: Studio Glam、City Group Design Group Ltd.
  • Landscape Design: PLACE Design Consulting (Shanghai) Co., Guangzhou WEDO Landscape Design Co., Ltd.
  • Structural And Mep Design: Guangzhou Hanhua Architects + Engineers Co., Ltd
  • Branding Consultant: VOCUIS Branding & Design
  • Kitchen Logistics Consultant: Angles+Curves
  • Electrical And Mechanical Consultant:: China-Team (Guangzhou)
  • Audio Visual Consultant: A Innovative Ltd.
  • Lighting & Signage Consultant: Studio Glam
  • Interior Design Consultant: City Group Design Group Ltd.
  • Chief Architects: Jianxiong Xian, Tao Zhan
  • Xaa Architectural Scheme Design Team: Wang Tian, Mengyu Wang, Kaiting Li, Shuo Lin, Wei Feng, Anyuan Tang、Yan Wang、Huaijie Hong、Yexia Zhou、Yi Ding、Tao Yang、Zifeng Huang, Lu Cheng, Zhi Li, Chao Wu, Zhongqi Jia, Wei Lin, Jiaying Li, Yuxing Cao, Liying Wang, Xin Zhao, Zhijun Lu, Pengzhuo Sun, Xinyu Li, Guimin Fang、Zhuowei Zheng、Yinggang Zhou、Miansheng Kong、Jingjing Luo、Anqi Huang、Xiteng Lin、Fuseng Lin、Side Lu、Jiedong Wu、Peisheng Ding
  • Art Consultant: Qinshan Zhou
  • Exhibition Consultant: Guangdong Jimei Design Engineering Co., Ltd
  • Video & Rendering: CG Studio from XAA Architects
  • Xaa Architectural Construction Drawing Team: Minquan Liang, Lan Huang, Jielong Liang, Zhaocai Xu,Muqing Wu,Weijun Yang, Lichan Deng
  • Xaa Landscape Team: Xuesi Li, Juanmei Huang, Zijin Guo, Renhao Gong
  • City: Canton
广州海心沙英迪格酒店 / XAA冼剑雄联合建筑设计事务所 - 建筑图
© Changheng Zhan

来自建筑师。In late 2019, XAA Architects emerged victorious in the competition for the Haixinsha Island Renewal Plan in Guangzhou with their enchanting "Song of Clouds and Water" proposal. Notably, the crown jewel of the Haixinsha East Plan, HOTEL INDIGO, has recently unveiled its splendor after four years of meticulous collaboration with various teams. This architectural gem now stands as an iconic testament, showcasing the rebirth of Haixinsha Island, a pivotal axis in the heart of Guangzhou.

广州海心沙英迪格酒店 / XAA冼剑雄联合建筑设计事务所 - 建筑图, 视窗, 城市
© Changheng Zhan
广州海心沙英迪格酒店 / XAA冼剑雄联合建筑设计事务所 - 建筑图, 城市, 视窗
© Changheng Zhan

01 Haixinsha: Tracing and Sculpting. Nestled at the crossroads of the city's novel central axis and the graceful Pearl River, Haixinsha holds sway as a pivotal geographic landmark. It once served as the grand stage for the 16th Guangzhou Asian Games' opening and closing ceremonies.  It forms a tourist haven alongside Canton Tower, Huacheng Square, and the enchanting Pearl River Night Tour, establishing itself as a vital tourism hub and destination within Guangzhou. Situated at the confluence of Guangzhou's new central axis and the Pearl River, Haixinsha's ecological sanctuary beckons migratory birds, transforming the island into a haven within the steel and concrete landscape.Taking a "micro-intervention" approach, the design team emphasizes the "collision of old and new" and proposes the "Upgrading Plan" for Haixinsha. Through a series of sustainable upgrade and development steps, Haixinsha will evolve in stages.

广州海心沙英迪格酒店 / XAA冼剑雄联合建筑设计事务所 - 建筑图, 视窗, 表皮
© Changheng Zhan
广州海心沙英迪格酒店 / XAA冼剑雄联合建筑设计事务所 - 建筑图, 视窗, 表皮
© Changheng Zhan

02 Implementation and Upgrading. Island East: Hotel Indigo Haixinsha. The erstwhile site of the East District's buildings on Haixinsha Island, once a warehouse for the Guangzhou Military Region, now stands transformed into the sole riverside hotel on the island. Approaching the building's metamorphosis from the perspectives of the city and the island, environment, and inhabitants, the design team weaves a narrative guided by culture.

Coexistence of Legacy and Innovation--Within the existing structures and the courtyard adorned with ancient banyan trees, modern design breathes life into the traditional "arch window" elements, preserving the grand banyan tree on-site while enclosing the main entrance forecourt. The original window grilles, balconies, and structural systems stand preserved, adorned with new textures crafted to suit the hotel's functional needs.

广州海心沙英迪格酒店 / XAA冼剑雄联合建筑设计事务所 - 室内图, 表皮
© Changheng Zhan
广州海心沙英迪格酒店 / XAA冼剑雄联合建筑设计事务所 - 建筑图, 表皮, 视窗, 扶手, 拱廊, 阳台, 庭院
© Changheng Zhan

Ecological Harmony--From the forest's edge, the building extends into multi-tiered terraces, seamlessly integrating with the environment, providing optimal vantage points for birdwatching, and offering a rooftop haven for outdoor gatherings. Within the urban landscape, this creates a space for symbiotic interaction with the ecological surroundings.

广州海心沙英迪格酒店 / XAA冼剑雄联合建筑设计事务所 - 建筑图, 视窗, 表皮
© Changheng Zhan
广州海心沙英迪格酒店 / XAA冼剑雄联合建筑设计事务所 - 建筑图, 表皮, 视窗
© Changheng Zhan

Cultural Tapestry--The building becomes a vessel for Guangdong's and Cantonese local culture, adorned with arcade-style corridors, sheltered walkways for wind and rain, and elevated gardens interwoven throughout, connecting the entire hotel and commercial cluster. Animated public spaces breathe life into the open commercial areas on the first and second floors, directing the flow of people and rejuvenating Haixinsha. Elements such as Manchu windows, floral tiles, Cantonese opera stages, and Dongshan Western-style architecture seamlessly integrate into specific scenes, unveiling the historical and cultural legacy of Guangzhou, a city graced by the flowing Pearl River.

广州海心沙英迪格酒店 / XAA冼剑雄联合建筑设计事务所 - 建筑图, 视窗, 表皮
© Changheng Zhan
广州海心沙英迪格酒店 / XAA冼剑雄联合建筑设计事务所 - 建筑图, 表皮, 视窗
© Changheng Zhan

Haixinsha in Guangzhou and the Bay Area stands as a city node perpetually ascending. The architects strive to employ the concept of "dimensional superimposition" to dynamically envision this axial area, interpreting Haixinsha with a sustainable ethos, presenting a spatial form that resonates across different eras. Hotel Indigo at Haixinsha achieves a flawless fusion of contemporary design and traditional Cantonese culture, allowing individuals to immerse themselves in the vibrancy, vitality, and grandeur of Guangzhou's international metropolis. We stand at a pivotal juncture in Guangzhou's urban ascension, privileged to be part of it.

广州海心沙英迪格酒店 / XAA冼剑雄联合建筑设计事务所 - 建筑图, 视窗, 滨水, 海岸
© Changheng Zhan





引用: "广州海心沙英迪格酒店 / XAA冼剑雄联合建筑设计事务所" [Guangzhou Haixinsha Island Upgrading Plan, Hotel Indigo / XAA] 16 1月 2024. ArchDaily. Accesed 28 3月 2025. <https://www.archdaily.cn/cn/1012219/yan-zhou-hai-xin-sha-ying-di-ge-jiu-dian-xaaxian-jian-xiong-lian-he-jian-zhu-she-ji-shi-wu-suo>



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