
废墟建筑学院 / Marco Casagrande

废墟建筑学院 / Marco Casagrande - 更多图片+ 27

台北, 台湾
  • 建筑设计师: Marco Casagrande
  • 面积 该建筑项目的领域 面积:  500
  • 项目年份 该建筑项目的竣工年份 项目年份:  2010

位于台北的“废墟建筑学院”是一个独立的交叉建筑研究中心,它地处 台北市核心区。这所学院由芬兰事务所casagrande laboratory(c-lab)和 台湾忠泰建筑艺术文化基金会(JUT )合作举办。

© AdDa, Tsai Ming-Hui

Ruin academy is set to re-think the industrial city and the modern man in a box. It organizes workshops and courses for various Taiwanese and international universities including the National Taiwan University Department of Sociology, Tamkang University Department of Architecture, Aalto University Sustainable Global Technologies Centre and Helsinki University of Arts and Design Department of Environmental Art. The research and design tasks move freely in-between architecture, urban design, environmental art and other disciplines of art and science within the general framework of built human environment. The Ruin Academy occupies an abandoned 5-story apartment building in central Taipei. All the interior walls of the building and all the windows are removed in order to grow bamboo and vegetables inside the house. The professors and students are sleeping and working in mahogany made ad-hoc dormitories and have a public sauna in the 5th floor. All the building is penetrated with 6 inch holes in order to let "rain inside". The Academy is viewed as an example or fragment of the Third Generation City, the organic ruin of the industrial city. Without his ruins man is just a common ape.


The Ruin Academy locates in Taipei in an abandoned apartment block turned into a compost of the modern city. Compost as the future top-soil.

© AdDa, Tsai Ming-Hui

The Ruin Academy does not rely or design, but hooks on to the Local Knowledge of the Taipei basin and reacts on this. Design should not replace reality. Local knowledge is pushing through the industrial surface of the modern Taipei like a positive sickness of the industrial city or like a humane sweat of the machine. Ruin Academy is looking forward to sweat. The Ruin Academy is looking at the ruining processes of Taipei that keep the city alive. Taipei is growing the Third Generation City - a real reality way beyond the industrial nonsense.

© AdDa, Tsai Ming-Hui

The Ruin Academy operates with Taipei as the urban case study and with various smaller projects in Taiwan in order to determine the elements of the Third Generation City. Our students/operators are not volunteers; they are called constructor-gardeners. We want to farm a city and treat it with urban acupuncture tuning the city towards the organic. Taipei is a no-man's land being dominated by the official industrialism and the anarchy of the jungle. Ruin Academy joins the urban farmers. In Grandmothers we trust. The Ruin Academy occupies an abandoned 5-story apartment building in the Central Taipei. The Academy is a constantly changing mixture of a ruin and a construction site.

© AdDa, Tsai Ming-Hui


© AdDa, Tsai Ming-Hui


  • 地下室 - 布满表层土 。排水层 。5棵橄榄树。
  • 一层,“档案室” -6英寸断面,装饰有白色石头 - 6英寸洞口 。桃花心木制作的木桥横跨在地下室洞口上 。在远处的一角有一堆散土和芋头。 壁炉。
  • 二层,“学生宿舍” - 桃花心木4人单元床 。工作台,竹子 。菜园(种植了西番莲果,大白菜等) 。贯穿天花板和地面的6英寸洞口 。厨房和卫生间。
  • 三层,“教授使用层” - 带轮子的桃花心木床 。穿过窗户生长的竹子 。贯穿地面和天花板的6英寸洞口 。厨房和卫生间。
  • 四层,“休息室” - 平台 。穿过窗户生长的竹子 。贯穿地面和天花板的6英寸洞口 。卫生间 。壁炉。
  • 5层,“蒸汽浴室” - 公共蒸汽浴室,全部木制。休息室,白色石头装饰。种植了竹子和芋头的淋浴室。6英寸洞口。





引用: "废墟建筑学院 / Marco Casagrande" [Ruin Academy / Marco Casagrande] 30 4月 2014. ArchDaily. Accesed . <https://www.archdaily.cn/cn/600264/fei-xu-jian-zhu-xue-yuan-slash-marco-casagrande>



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