Erika停车场 / Metro Arkitekter AB, Urban Skogmar (HL), Rafael Pal...
联合车站自行车运输中心 / KGP design
马尔默中心站 / Metro Arkitekter
内外 / Ivanisin & Kabashi Arhitekti
Bras Basah 快速交通站台 / WOHA
Santa Monica停车库 / Brooks & Scarpa
太阿斯RATP 汽车站 / ECDM
奥普兰登的武佩尔桥 / Ağırbaş & Wienstroer
圣热尔曼导水管与排水沟 / a c d f architecture
Wendouree Railway Station
奥钢联多层停车场 / x Architekten
School Bridge
Retail Park "B-Park"
Car Park One
Norman Y. Mineta San Jose International Airport Terminal B / F...
Community Rowing Boathouse / Anmahian Winton Architects
Manhufe Parking Lot / Guilherme Machado Vaz
Downtown Houston Central Station Design Competition Shortlist /
Head of the Roads Department of Georgia / J. Mayer H
Muskoka Boathouse / Christopher Simmonds Architect
Herma Parking Building / JOHO Architecture
Pedestrian Bridge in Zapallar / Enrique Browne
乌来停车楼 / QLAB
动物园/弗洛拉轻轨车站 / RÜBSAMEN+PARTNER