


在精选的照片系列中,Paul Clemence 探索了瑞士博物馆的极简主义精准度,Iwan Baan 则以布拉格为主题,呈现了一场视觉叙事;而 Simone Bossi 则着重展现了人造建筑与其自然环境的鲜明对比。此外,Marc Goodwin 继续他的全球建筑工作室系列,让我们一窥这一行业的创意空间。Erieta Attali 的作品则将观众带至古老的废墟之中,探索历史的并列与文化景观。

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Paul Clemence: The "Architectural Essence" of Swiss Museums 瑞士博物馆的“建筑精髓”

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Swiss Museums at Le Salon Suisse, Miami Art Week. Image © Paul Clemence

Iwan Baan: "Prague Diary" 布拉格日记

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Iwan Baan: Prague Diary. Image © Iwan Baan

Simone Bossi: A Brutalist Entrance to a Medieval Castle 中世纪城堡的粗野主义入口

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The Entrance of Switzerland's Castelgrande. Image © Simone Bossi

Marc Goodwin: Architecture Studios from Around the World 世界各地的建筑设计工作室

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Office of 3XN. Image © Marc Goodwin

Erieta Attali: Capturing the Essence of Delos 捕捉德洛斯精髓

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Capturing the Essence of Delos. Image © Erieta Attali

Edmund Sumner: “Traces” of Emotional Spaces 情绪空间的痕迹

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Cava Araci (David Chipperfield). Image © Edmund Sumner

Laurian Ghinițoiu: At the Border of Conflict 冲突的边界

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LINIA Photographic Installation. Image © Laurian Ghinițoiu

Andrés Gallardo: Sunset over Ricardo Bofill’s La Muralla Roja

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‘La Muralla Roja’ Manzanera, Calpe, Spain. Image © Andrés Gallardo

Bahaa Ghoussainy: Le Corbusier’s Communal Housing 勒·柯布西耶的集体住宅

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Berlin Unite d’ Habitation. Image © Bahaa Ghoussainy

Jamie McGregor Smith: Sacred Modernity 神圣的现代性

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Church of the Holy Cross, Vienna, Austria - Hannes Lintl - 1975. Image © Jamie McGregor Smith

Zsolt Hlinka: Geometric Perspectives of Vienna 维也纳的几何视角

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Geometric Compositions in the Evolution of Vienna's Architecture. Image © Zsolt Hlinka

Roberto Conte: The Hidden Gems Of Brutalism In Madrid 马德里粗野主义的隐藏瑰宝

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Edificio Princesa, residential buildings for the Military Housing Cooperative - Fernando Higueras Díaz, Antonio Miró Valverde and Carlos García Rodríguez. Image © Roberto Conte

Joana França: The Bucolic Scales of Lucio Costa's Brasilia 卢西奥·科斯塔-巴西利亚的田园诗般的设计尺度

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Monumental Scale.. Image © Joana França

María González: Blending past and Present at La Fábrica 在La Fábrica融合过去与现在

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La Fábrica by Ricardo Bofill. Image © María González

Jakub Sawosko: The Concrete Architecture of Chile 智利混凝土建筑

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ECLAC-CEPAL Building / Emilio Duhart. Image © Jakub Sawosko

Arnau Rovira: The White Buildings of Ashgabat 阿什哈巴德的白色建筑

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The White Buildings of Ashgabat, Turkmenistan. Image © Arnau Rovira

Pygmalion Karatzas: Doha's Contemporary Architecture 多哈当代建筑

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Museum of Islamic Art, architect I.M. Pei. Image © Pygmalion Karatzas

Alexey Kozhenkov: The Brutalism of Eastern Europe 东欧粗野主义建筑

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Brutalist Belgrade. Image © Alexey Kozhenkov

Katerina Skarka: Exploring the Paul Klee Center in Switzerland 探索瑞士保罗克利中心

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The Paul Klee Center, designed by Renzo Piano Building Workshop. Image © Katerina Skarka

Inês d’Orey: Inside Belrgade’s Brutalist Buildings 深入贝尔格莱德的粗野主义建筑

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Inside the Buildings of Belgrade. Image © Inês d’Orey

Santiago Arau: The Architectural Heritage of the Valley of Mexico 墨西哥山谷中的建筑遗产

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The Architectural Heritage of the Valley of Mexico. Image © Santiago Arau

Kane Hulse: The Iconic Gallaratese Complex in Milan 米兰 Gallaratese 标志性建筑群

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Gallaratese Complex in Milan. Image © Kane Hulse

Farida Bustani: Exploring the Grand Egyptian Museum 探秘大埃及博物馆

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Grand Egyptian Museum. Image © Farida Bustani

Danica O. Kus: Renzo Piano's Valletta City Gate 伦佐·皮亚诺的瓦莱塔城市门户

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Renzo Piano Building Workshop’s Valletta City Gate in Malta. Image © Danica O. Kus

He Lian: The Red Brick Art Museum of Chaoyang 红砖美术馆

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Dong Yugan's Brick Art Museum . Image © He Lian


引用: Florian, Maria-Cristina. "世界摄影日:25位建筑摄影师与他们镜头下的建筑" [World Photography Day: Showcasing 25 Architectural Photographers and Their Distinctive Series] 24 8月 2024. ArchDaily. (Trans. July Shao) Accesed . <https://www.archdaily.cn/cn/1020343/shi-jie-she-ying-ri-25ge-jian-zhu-she-ying-shi-yu-ta-men-de-jie-chu-ying-xiang-xi-lie>



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