

作为建筑师 ,Frank Lloyd Wright在众多方面知名,但最为著名的特质可能是他对于细部的特别关注 – 在其大多数项目中,每件家具都在特定的位置进行了特别的设计。这一特性也延续于其设计的房子的窗户当中。受有机图案的启发,莱特创造了一系列适合于不同房屋的细部作品。从Hollyhock house高耸的三角形的彩色玻璃到BACHMAN WILSON屋的红木天窗,皆是如此。

但也许其最著名的窗户设计当属其在纽约布法罗为darwin d martin住宅。窗子将树木的形象抽象为最简的几何形式:方形代表根系,简单的直线代表树干,V字形代表枝干,金色红色与绿色的形状则象征着绿叶。每小块玻璃都以一个能加强光反射的特定角度嵌于黄铜框架当中,以控制室内光环境的。

在这组照片当中,这些窗子展示了其优美的特质。应莱特基金会之邀,窗子们被一片片组装于黄铜框架上。每个窗子需要花费大约一个月的时间来安装,包括10000个不同的黄铜构件, 一周用于玻璃的切割,还要花费几天来将所有东西焊接到一起。请欣赏下面的图片全集。

Frank Lloyd Wright Tree Of Life construction.

图片来自 imgur user ohlsson23.

At Crystal Bridges Museum, Frank Lloyd Wright's Bachman-Wilson House Reframes Architecture as Art

Architecture and art have had a long and complicated relationship. Many people consider architecture to be "the mother art," while others believe the burdens of program and pragmatism prohibit architecture from the realm of pure artistry. But what happens when architecture is displayed alongside art?

See Frank Lloyd Wright's Missing Works Recreated in Photorealistic Renders

With the help of a vast array of software, Spanish architect David Romero has digitally recreated a series of iconic works by Frank Lloyd Wright, two of which have been demolished and a third that was never built. The three projects were based in the United States: the Larkin Administration Building (1903-1950), the Rose Pauson House (1939-1943) and the Trinity Chapel (1958).

引用: Lynch, Patrick. "看莱特的“生命之树”彩色玻璃窗是如何安装的" [See How Frank Lloyd Wright's "Tree of Life" Stained Glass Windows are Assembled] 25 3月 2017. ArchDaily. (Trans. 宋慧中) Accesed . <https://www.archdaily.cn/cn/867712/kan-lai-te-de-sheng-ming-zhi-shu-cai-se-bo-li-chuang-shi-ru-he-an-zhuang-de>



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