2017年6月马耳他举办的欧盟理事会主席选举大会上,建筑摄影师丹尼卡·库斯(Danica O. Kus)发布了一组照片,详细介绍了由 Renzo Piano 建筑工作室所建造,位于马耳他的瓦莱塔城门 。
该项目于2014年完成,由四部分组成:瓦莱塔市门厅,露天剧场“机器”,议会大厦和景观区域。 休息过后,可透过这组照片感受项目细节。

新闻来源: Danica O. Kus Photography.
Valletta City Gate / Renzo Piano Building Workshop
17 Architecture Project (Valletta) D.Franceschin, P.Colonna, P.Pires da Fonte, S.Giorgio-Marrano, N.Baniahmad, A.Boucsein, J.Da Nova, T.Gantner, N.Delevaux, N. Byrelid, R.Tse, B.Alves de Campos, J.LaBoskey, A.Panchasara, A.Thompson; S.Moreau Acoustics, Civil, Structural and MEP engineering Stone Consultant Theatre Consultant Landscaping Theatre Special Equipment From the architect.
Danica O. Kus Photography - Fine Art Arhitectual Photography
Danica O. Kus specialised in Fine Art, Architectural and Interior Photography; Architecture Photos, Architecture Photography, Design Editorial, Architects