今天,在谷歌许多国家主页上展示的最新谷歌涂鸦(Google Doodle),是在已故的扎哈·哈迪德女士接受了建筑领域最高奖普利兹克奖的 13 周年之际对其表示敬意。她在 2004 年成为荣获该奖项的首位女性。
这个谷歌涂鸦描绘的是这位建筑师站在她最受赞誉的其中一件建筑之前,即位于阿塞拜疆共和国首都巴库的阿利耶夫文化中心。涂鸦的早期概念展示了哈迪德设计的格拉斯哥河畔博物馆和北京的银河 SOHO。
哈迪德 1950 年出生于伊拉克,之后在伦敦的 AA 建筑学院学习抽象艺术和建筑。在那里,她找到了非常规形式的灵感。在计算机辅助她的设计表现之前,哈迪德的工作室以创造性地使用复印机来弯曲线条并创造新的形式而著名。今天的谷歌涂鸦便是从哈迪德的草图中找到类型的灵感,这些草图对形式和功能进行了充满激情的探索。
哈迪德在早期作品中,通过抽象现代主义艺术的绘画来表达它的设计。她有句这样的名言:“我们的世界是 360 度的,那么为什么要拘泥于一个角度呢?”您可以在「谷歌文化学院」中探索她的一些早期概念,甚至能使用虚拟现实。
27 of the Best Google Doodles Celebrating Architects and Architecture
Since 1998, Google has been manipulating their iconic logo to celebrate holidays, anniversaries and the lives of famous artists, pioneers and scientists, creating what they call Google Doodles. Since the very first doodle (used to indicate founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin's attendance at Burning Man that year), Google has produced over 2000 fun, colorful drawings to inform their users about the important milestones that fell on that date.
Spotlight: Zaha Hadid
In her lifetime, Pritzker prize-winning architect, fashion designer and artist Zaha Hadid (31 October 1950 - 31 March 2016) became one of the most recognizable faces of our field. Revered and denounced with equal aplomb for the sensuous curved forms for which she was known, Hadid rose to prominence not solely through parametricism but by designing spaces to occupy geometries in new ways.