智利建筑师 Samuel Bravo 被选为 哈佛大学设计学院 2017 Wheelwright奖获得者,他将得到10万美元的旅行资助,进行 “当代设计方法的研究调查。”
Bravo的研究方案是无项目: 寻找传统的非正式定居点的建筑,对于Bernard Rudofsky在1964年于当代艺术博物馆展览的“没有建筑师的建筑” 做出一个当代的回顾。
“Samuel Bravo是一个富有经验的设计师和一个成熟的思想家,具备作为Wheelwright奖候选人的品质,”评委会主席,哈佛大学设计学院院长Mohsen Mostafavi表示“他的工作是引人注目的,他参与设计的建筑过程也很有说服力。 基于所谓 ‘没有谱系的’ 建筑的复原想法并扩大他在国际上的研究和实践,Bravo的项目为下一代建筑师开拓了崭新而激动人心的途径。”
Bravo于2009年在智利天主教大学获得 建筑学学士学位,从来自超过45个国家200申请者中选出的4名最终候选人中脱颖而出。他曾在2016年进入最终候选名单。
Bravo现在也是他的同名实践项目,已经在南美洲完成了一些项目,在遭到地震破坏的智利Tarapacá地区组织社区重建工作;设计并建造了 萨满教中心和秘鲁亚马逊雨林中的学校;和一系列私人住宅,包括巴塔哥尼亚峡湾住宅。
Ani Nii Shobo Lodge / Sandra Iturriaga + Samuel Bravo
32 From the architect. Predominant materials: wood structure quinilla (bidentata manilkara), roofing in palm leaf (irapay, shebon), exterior walls quinilla and wire mesh, interior wood paneling: capirona (calycophyllum spruceanum), pavements in quinilla and shihuahuaco (Dipteryx Micrantha).
House in The Patagonia Fjords / Armando Montero + Samuel Bravo
Architects: Armando Montero + Samuel Bravo Location: Architects: Samuel Bravo, Armando Montero Project Year: 2011 Photographs: Samuel Bravo +16 Project Area: 60 sqm Carpenter: Marcelo Aburto, Andrés Sepúlveda, Gonzalo Cid, Marcelo Torres Constructor: Armando Montero, Samuel Bravo The southern channels of Patagonia are characterized by an abrupt geography formed by glaciers, mountains and dense forests that fall vertically over the sea.
Harvard GSD Announces Anna Puigjaner as the Winner of 2016 Wheelwright Prize
Anna Puigjaner has been selected from nearly 200 applications as the winner of the Harvard University Graduate School of Design 2016 Wheelwright Prize. The $100,000 travel grant was awarded for her proposal, Kitchenless City: Architectural Systems for Social Welfare, for which she will study "exemplars of collective housing in Russia, Brazil, Sweden, China, Korea, and India, which reflect a variety of approaches to organizing and distributing domestic spaces."