Bee Breeders 近日甄选出香港像素住宅竞赛的获胜者,试图寻找现在住宅市场上人口增长和城市发展带来的压力的解决方案。竞赛要求以“正式的、科技的、基于模块化和重复材料策略”重新考虑我们根深蒂固的传统住宅形式。在竞赛结果中,评委会为获胜者在密度、公共设施以及公共/私人空间交互的探索而喝彩,也赞扬他们对国内文化和传统的新颖方法的考量。
塔中之塔:Lap Chi Kwong, Alison Von Glinow, Kevin Lamyuktseung
一等奖方案‘塔中之塔’(Towers within a Tower)重塑了垂直生活的概念。不像传统的堆叠式公寓,独立单元的垂直轴线是交错的,在香港建立一个可重复使用的模块。递进的外立面在楼板之间可以获得更多的自然光线,还有流线和庭院。
垂直村落:François Chantier, Maria Fernandez
第二个方案垂直村落(Vertical Village)被誉为是为了解决香港的房地产危机而重新制定典型的本土建筑模式。该方案使用了当地传统山墙,为每个模块提供了不同的分区处理,提供了动态的、丰富的空间多样性,同时帮助形成一个相互连接的垂直村庄。
三等奖 + BB 学生奖
反转机械住宅: Yukang Yang, Jingwen Cui / 北京工业大学
第三个方案‘反转机械住宅’(Upside-Down Mechine)从代谢运动中的胶囊塔中汲取灵感,将微型单元住宅作为一个机械化区域,以提高灵活性、美观性和效率。路径和浴室被固定在中央核心筒,同时起居空间有节奏的旋转和交换。该方案因对住房危机技术解决方案的反乌托邦式未来批判而受到赞扬,加剧了城市生活的恶化。它不是作为一个坚定的解决方案,该方案依赖于对内在乐趣的乐观看法“在公共领域的舞台上,将私人家庭的活动与公共领域的活动联系起来”。
BB 绿色奖
生命之灯(Lantern of Lives):Danaiporn Pongamornprom, Thongchai Wongsrisuppakul, Veeramon Suwannasang.
新闻来自: Bee Breeders.
Bee Breeders Announce Winners of Stone Barn Meditation Camp Competition
Bee Breeders have selected winners of the Stone Barn Meditation Camp competition, seeking to create a place of refuge for individuals amidst the pristine natural beauty of one of Latvia's most remote regions.
Call for Submissions: Amber Road Trekking Cabins
The Amber Road trekking path is planned to allow long-distance hikers to traverse the country, reaching from the Latvia-Lithuania border to the Latvia-Estonia border. Receiving its name from the shiny specimens that wash up on the beaches to this day, the total length of the trekking path would be 530 km, and it would be included as part of one of the European long-distance paths, a network of 12 paths designated by the European Ramblers Association.
Bee Breeders Reveal New York Affordable Housing Challenge Winners
Bee Breeders have selected the winners of the New York Affordable Housing Challenge, inspired by barriers faced by the global population in our contemporary culture of housing scarcity and economic deprivation. The submissions provide various multifaceted architectural responses to scattered sites of various scales around New York City, "redefining the culture, economy, and experience of urban domesticity by means of space, material, morphology, or structure."