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洛杉矶透露了洛杉矶河振兴总体规划中七种不同的市区片段的初期设计,设想由 Gruen Associates, WSP, CH2M, Chee Salette, Mia Lehrer + Associates, AECOM,和 Tetra Tech提出。该项目,被称为洛杉矶河市中心设计对话,要求设计师创造市中心走廊的可能性发展计划”,其重点在于干预并改善河流的连接和可达性”以及“想象如何在实现功能的同时拥有大胆,世界级的设计,同时与在河对面正在建造的项目相结合,例如BIG’s 670 Mesquite.

复兴洛杉矶河的七个提案 - 更多图片+ 32

LA River Downtown Design Dialogue (3D) Map. Courtesy of Bureau of Engineering, Mayor’s Office of City Services


  • Gruen Associates: Barclay to Spring St.
  • WSP: Spring St. to Cesar Chavez Ave.
  • CH2M: Cesar Chavez Ave. to 1st St.
  • Chee Salette: 1st St. to 4th St.
  • Mia Lehrer + Associates: 4th St. to 7th St.
  • AECOM: 7th St. to Olympic Blvd.
  • Tetra Tech: Olympic Blvd. to 26th St.

Gruen Associates: Barclay to Spring St.

From the Los Angeles River Downtown Design Dialogue (City of Los Angeles, Bureau of Engineering). Used by Permission from Gruen Associates
From the Los Angeles River Downtown Design Dialogue (City of Los Angeles, Bureau of Engineering). Used by Permission from Gruen Associates
From the Los Angeles River Downtown Design Dialogue (City of Los Angeles, Bureau of Engineering). Used by Permission from Gruen Associates
From the Los Angeles River Downtown Design Dialogue (City of Los Angeles, Bureau of Engineering). Used by Permission from Gruen Associates
From the Los Angeles River Downtown Design Dialogue (City of Los Angeles, Bureau of Engineering). Used by Permission from Gruen Associates
From the Los Angeles River Downtown Design Dialogue (City of Los Angeles, Bureau of Engineering). Used by Permission from Gruen Associates

WSP: Spring St. to Cesar Chavez Ave.

From the Los Angeles River Downtown Design Dialogue (City of Los Angeles, Bureau of Engineering). Used by Permission from WSP
From the Los Angeles River Downtown Design Dialogue (City of Los Angeles, Bureau of Engineering). Used by Permission from WSP
From the Los Angeles River Downtown Design Dialogue (City of Los Angeles, Bureau of Engineering). Used by Permission from WSP

CH2M: Cesar Chavez Ave. to 1st St.

From the Los Angeles River Downtown Design Dialogue (City of Los Angeles, Bureau of Engineering). Used by Permission from CH2M
From the Los Angeles River Downtown Design Dialogue (City of Los Angeles, Bureau of Engineering). Used by Permission from CH2M
From the Los Angeles River Downtown Design Dialogue (City of Los Angeles, Bureau of Engineering). Used by Permission from CH2M

Chee Salette: 1st St. to 4th St.

From the Los Angeles River Downtown Design Dialogue (City of Los Angeles, Bureau of Engineering). Used by Permission from Chee Salette
From the Los Angeles River Downtown Design Dialogue (City of Los Angeles, Bureau of Engineering). Used by Permission from Chee Salette
From the Los Angeles River Downtown Design Dialogue (City of Los Angeles, Bureau of Engineering). Used by Permission from Chee Salette
From the Los Angeles River Downtown Design Dialogue (City of Los Angeles, Bureau of Engineering). Used by Permission from Chee Salette
From the Los Angeles River Downtown Design Dialogue (City of Los Angeles, Bureau of Engineering). Used by Permission from Chee Salette
From the Los Angeles River Downtown Design Dialogue (City of Los Angeles, Bureau of Engineering). Used by Permission from Chee Salette
From the Los Angeles River Downtown Design Dialogue (City of Los Angeles, Bureau of Engineering). Used by Permission from Chee Salette
From the Los Angeles River Downtown Design Dialogue (City of Los Angeles, Bureau of Engineering). Used by Permission from Chee Salette
From the Los Angeles River Downtown Design Dialogue (City of Los Angeles, Bureau of Engineering). Used by Permission from Chee Salette

Mia Lehrer + Associates: 4th St. to 7th St.

From the Los Angeles River Downtown Design Dialogue (City of Los Angeles, Bureau of Engineering). Used by Permission from Mia Lehrer + Associates
From the Los Angeles River Downtown Design Dialogue (City of Los Angeles, Bureau of Engineering). Used by Permission from WSP
From the Los Angeles River Downtown Design Dialogue (City of Los Angeles, Bureau of Engineering). Used by Permission from Mia Lehrer + Associates

AECOM: 7th St. to Olympic Blvd.

From the Los Angeles River Downtown Design Dialogue (City of Los Angeles, Bureau of Engineering). Used by Permission from AECOM
From the Los Angeles River Downtown Design Dialogue (City of Los Angeles, Bureau of Engineering). Used by Permission from AECOM
From the Los Angeles River Downtown Design Dialogue (City of Los Angeles, Bureau of Engineering). Used by Permission from AECOM
From the Los Angeles River Downtown Design Dialogue (City of Los Angeles, Bureau of Engineering). Used by Permission from AECOM
From the Los Angeles River Downtown Design Dialogue (City of Los Angeles, Bureau of Engineering). Used by Permission from AECOM
From the Los Angeles River Downtown Design Dialogue (City of Los Angeles, Bureau of Engineering). Used by Permission from AECOM

Tetra Tech: Olympic Blvd. to 26th St.

From the Los Angeles River Downtown Design Dialogue (City of Los Angeles, Bureau of Engineering). Used by Permission from Tetra Tech
From the Los Angeles River Downtown Design Dialogue (City of Los Angeles, Bureau of Engineering). Used by Permission from Tetra Tech
From the Los Angeles River Downtown Design Dialogue (City of Los Angeles, Bureau of Engineering). Used by Permission from Tetra Tech




引用: Lynch, Patrick. "复兴洛杉矶河的七个提案" [7 Firms Reveal Plans for Los Angeles River Revitalization] 27 6月 2017. ArchDaily. (Trans. 韩爽) Accesed 19 2月 2025. <https://www.archdaily.cn/cn/874453/fu-xing-luo-shan-ji-he-de-qi-ge-ti-an>



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