
建筑摄影大奖 EyeEm 2017 公布20个入围作品

全球摄影协会 EyeEm 最近公布了其2017年摄影大奖的决赛入围者。该奖项对给各类技能水平和背景的摄影师免费开放,并提交于EyeEm网络平台或应用程序,今年的奖项获得了来自世界各地摄影师五十五万份投稿,包括如下五种摄影师:建筑师,户外摄影师,新闻摄影师,肖像摄影师和街头摄影师。



希腊,雅典 / Niko S

© Niko S / EyeEm

圣地亚哥,卡拉特拉瓦市,艺术与科学城;西班牙,巴伦西亚/ Claudia Solano

© Claudia Solano / EyeEm

香港 / Denise Kwong

© Denise Kwong / EyeEm

马耳他,瓦莱塔/ Ioanna Malkogiani

© Ioanna Malkogianni / EyeEm

香港尖沙咀/ Evelyne Sieber

© Evelyne Sieber / EyeEm

日本,东京 / Tim Gaweco

© Tim Gaweco / EyeEm

香港九龙半岛 / Jeremy Cheung

© Jeremy Cheung / EyeEm

英国,谢菲尔德/ Paul Crudgington

© Paul Crudgington / EyeEm

巴西圣保罗 / Ezequiel Ferreira

© Ezequiel Ferreira / EyeEm

马拉西亚,吉隆坡 / Rosley Majid

德国,柏林,克罗伊茨贝格 / Wilhelm Oberliess

© Wilhelm Oberliess / EyeEm

菲律宾马卡蒂中央商务区 / Allan Borebor

© Allan Borebor / EyeEm

Torre Agbar;西班牙,巴塞罗那 /弗朗西斯科哈维尔·霍斯Carcedo

© Francisco Javier Hoyos Carcedo / EyeEm

中国,北京 / Hu Zhenyuan

© Hu Zhenyuan / EyeEm

韩国,首尔江南 / Ngoc Van Anh Nguyen

© Ngoc Van Anh Nguyen / EyeEm

伊利诺伊州,芝加哥 / Scott Firestone

© Scott Firestone / EyeEm

中国,北京  / JFMonom

© JFMonom / EyeEm

新加坡 / Fong Han Wei

© Fong Han Wei / EyeEm

迪拜港,迪拜,阿联酋 / Bruno Guerreiro

© Bruno Guerreiro / EyeEm

匈牙利,布达佩斯 / Erik Sellgren

© Erik Sellgren / EyeEm

通过这里了解更多关于2017 EyeEm摄影节。

20 Photos Selected as Winners of EyeEm's Minimalist Architecture Photography Mission

Global photography community and marketplace EyeEm has announced the winners of their Minimalist Architecture Photography Mission to find photos that best highlight "the beauty of minimalism in architecture." Organized alongside art and design blog We and the Color, the competition saw photographers from across the globe submit over 45,000 images focusing on the color, lines, shapes, and compositions of contemporary, minimalist architecture.


引用: Lynch, Patrick. "建筑摄影大奖 EyeEm 2017 公布20个入围作品" [20 Striking Architectural Photographs Selected as Finalists of 2017 EyeEm Photography Awards] 08 8月 2017. ArchDaily. (Trans. 舒岳康) Accesed . <https://www.archdaily.cn/cn/876730/2017nian-eyeemjian-zhu-she-ying-jiang-20ge-ji-ju-shi-jue-chong-ji-de-jue-sai-ru-wei-zuo-pin>



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