2018年,德国将迎来德意志统一28周年,恰好将德国一分为二成“东德”和“西德”的境内边界墙——建于1961年并于1989年推翻,也是历经了28年。考虑到此,德国政府决定2018年威尼斯建筑双年展德国展馆的主题为“拆毁的墙(Unbuilding Walls)”。由 Marianne Birthler 组织、 GRAFT 发展,该展览旨在“回应当下时兴的关于国家、贸易保护以及分裂的争议话题”。
Freespace: Grafton's 2018 Venice Biennale to Celebrate Generosity, Thoughtfulness, and a Desire to Engage
At a meeting convened today at the Biennale's headquarters at Ca' Giustinian in Venice, Italy, Grafton Architects- Yvonne Farrell and Shelley McNamara-revealed the theme and outline for the 2018 Venice Architecture Biennale, which they have titled Freespace . According to the Directors, the forthcoming Biennale will celebrate "generosity and thoughtfulness," and "a desire to engage."
Making Heimat: Inside Germany's Pavilion for the 2016 Venice Biennale
"Making Heimat. Germany, Arrival Country" is a response to the fact that over a million refugees arrived in Germany during 2015. The expectations for 2016 are similar. The need for housing is urgent, but just as urgent is the need for new ideas and reliable approaches to integration.