本次SOM建筑设计院的Engineeringx [Art + Architecture]展示会与2017芝加哥建筑双年展联合举办,全场传达“平坦世界”( PLANE—SITE)和“精神空间”(Spirit of Space)两个重要建筑理念。在ArchDaily的介绍视频中我们可以看到,从草图设计到建模雕塑,主办方通过对世界著名建筑设计过程的展现,旨在让公众关注工程设计和建筑设计之间密不可分的联系。
视频中,SOM的结构设计师 WilliamF. Baker 和工业设计师 Mohamed Sheriff 阐述了工程设计联合建筑设计的具体想法,以及如何让其“创造新的历史”—— Make New History,这也是双年展的主题。
Sheriff 在展会上说:“手工制图是极为重要的设计环节,因为这是在告诉人们:设计是由人完成的,它不只是艺术本身,其背后更凝聚着工程的神圣。但很可惜的是,人们往往忽视工程应有的创造力”
SOM Exhibits 30 Structural Skeleton Models Showing Evolution of Tall Building Design
When it comes to tall building design, it's often the structural system where the most groundbreaking innovations are made. Premiering this week in partnership with the Chicago Architecture Biennial is a new exhibition highlighting the innovative structural systems of an architecture firm that has completed their fair share of tall buildings: SOM.