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据《星报》报道,由弗朗西斯·凯雷(Francis Kéré)设计的2017年蛇形画廊展示馆在一片好评声中圆满地落下帷幕,并在一个月后被马来西亚吉隆坡当地的伊力哈木美术馆(Ilham Gallery)收购,如今正在为它寻找一个永久的安置地。

“非常感谢这些慈善家们的慷慨赞助,伊力哈木美术馆如今也有了一件享誉全球的建筑藏品。” 美术馆的主管Rahel Joseph说道,“我们对于要成为它的保管人的消息感到既惊讶又欣慰。”

伊力哈木美术馆目前有两个永久的装置展览,一个是中国艺术家艾未未的“神圣比例“,另一个是泰国艺术家Pinaree Sanpitak的“Breast Stupa Topiary”,它们都被放置在伊力塔的入口。

在考虑蛇形画廊展示馆的安置地点时,Joseph说道:“这件作品对于伊力美术馆来说体积过大,我们考虑把它放在一个公共区域让所有人都能参与进来,一起体验这个空间,所以我们想在巴生河流域(Klang Valley)为它寻找一个新的家。”

这整个流程继承了蛇形画廊一贯的传统,即在展示结束后,为每一个展示馆在全球范围内寻找一个新的安置地。去年由BIG设计的结构体,已经被移置到了温哥华;2007年扎哈·哈迪德(Zaha Hadid)的设计,被重新建在了英格兰德贝郡(Derbyshire)的达西庄园(Chatsworth House)里;还有伊东丰雄(Toyo Ito)和塞西尔·巴尔蒙德(Cecil Balmond)设计的2002年的装置,如今已被迁至法国的科特迪瓦蓝色海岸(Côte d’Azur),成为了高级酒店里的海滨餐厅。另外其他的装置也都已被私人收购。


Diébédo Francis Kéré's Serpentine Pavilion Opens in Sun-Drenched London - But Will Come Alive During Rain

The 2017 Serpentine Pavilion, designed by Diébédo Francis Kéré ( Kéré Architecture), was unveiled today in London. Conceived as a micro cosmos-"a community structure within Kensington Gardens"-the pavilion has been designed to consciously fuse cultural references from Kéré's home town of Gando in Burkino Faso, with "experimental construction techniques."

Diébédo Francis Kéré's Serpentine Pavilion Photographed by Laurian Ghinitoiu

Following the opening of the 2017 Serpentine Pavilion, designed this year by Diébédo Francis Kéré ( Kéré Architecture), photographer Laurian Ghinitoiu has turned his lens to London. Designed to mimic a tree, or a canopy of trees, the wooden structure has been designed to fuse cultural references from Kéré's home town of Gando in Burkino Faso with more "experimental" construction techniques.

Critics Laud Francis Kéré's 2017 Serpentine Pavilion for Its Simplicity and Authenticity

London's annual temporary architecture pavilion spectacular has returned. Each summer the Serpentine Pavilion program selects an accomplished architect who has yet to create work in the United Kingdom, and asks them to build a temporary shelter on the gallery's lawn. The resulting structure is erected in June and dismantled in October.

引用: Lynch, Patrick. "好消息,2017年蛇形画廊展示馆找到新家了!" 01 1月 2018. ArchDaily. (Trans. 韩爽) Accesed 25 3月 2025. <https://www.archdaily.cn/cn/886372/hao-xiao-xi-2017nian-she-xing-hua-lang-zhan-shi-guan-zhao-dao-xin-jia-liao>



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