在“厦门空中自行车道”开放近一年后,丹麦 DISSING+WEITLING Architecture 建筑公司又在这座中国城市赢得了另一项重大基础设施项目的设计大奖。“厦门步道”项目,这是一条21公里长的人行步道和人行天桥道路系统,这将在这座新兴大都市厦门形成一个大型的,将自然环境连接在一起的空中步道网络。
这条步道将会让厦门市民和游客穿梭在厦门城市中宁静的山区中并欣赏充满活力的厦门城市景观。为了解决宁静的自然环境和喧闹的城市生活带来的巨大反差,DISSING+WEITLING 建筑公司必须要创建出一个“连贯而灵活的设计语言”,让这条步道能够适应不同的环境条件。
DISSING+WEITLING 建筑公司合伙人兼首席执行官 Steen Savery Trojaborg说,“让人们在树顶漫步,从一个全新的视角来看城市风景,将会是一段迷人的经历。”
新闻来自: DISSING+WEITLING Architecture.
The Worlds Longest Elevated Cycling Path Opens in China
This month, in the city of Xiamen, China's first elevated cycling path was inaugurated. At nearly 8 kilometers long, the structure is now the world's longest elevated cycling path. The construction of this exclusive cycling path was promoted by the Xiamen City Government to provide inhabitants with a new sustainable transportation alternative that could significantly reduce vehicular traffic on the city's already congested highways.