爱尔兰文化,历史遗产和爱尔兰语部宣布“自由市场”为2018年威尼斯建筑双年展爱尔兰馆的主题。策展团队包括 Laurence Lord (AP+E), Orla Murphy (Custom), Jeffrey Bolhuis (AP+E), Jo Anne Butler (Culturstruction), Tara Kennedy (Culturstruction),和 Miriam Delaney (DIT) 。团队将以探索爱尔兰集市城镇的公共空间为主题策划该展览。
时任爱尔兰文化,历史遗产和爱尔兰语部部长的海泽•汉弗莱 (Heather Humphreys) 表示,“众所周知,这些空间对于爱尔兰农村社区,和城镇的经济社会交流有重大的意义。然而这也是一个有全球反响的主题。” 爱尔兰无疑会在即将开幕的威尼斯双年展上受到特别的关注:作为双年展艺术指导的 Yvonne Farrell 和 Shelley Mcnomara (Grafton Architects) 就来自爱尔兰。她们将负责策划整个展览传递的信息,角度和贡献。
Losing Myself: Inside the Irish Pavilion at the 2016 Venice Biennale
As part of ArchDaily's coverage of the 2016 Venice Biennale, we are presenting a series of articles written by the curators of the exhibitions and installations on show. Our report is a reflection on the lessons learnt through designing and revisiting buildings for people with dementia.