位于英国伦敦的蛇形画廊,每年夏季展亭开幕都在全球收获极高的关注度,然而能够亲身到场地体验建筑的毕竟只有少数人。来自 nikreations 的摄影师 Nikhilesh Haval 最新公布的一条360度全景视频,则能够让远在世界各地的读者虚拟地‘走进’今年由 Frida Escobedo 设计的展亭空间。
互动导览可在 nikreations 网站上找到,点击此处。
Frida Escobedo's Serpentine Pavilion Photographed by Laurian Ghinitoiu
Following the opening of the 2018 Serpentine Pavillion this week, designed by Mexican architect Frida Escobedo, photographer Laurian Ghinitoiu has turned his lens to London. Ghinitoiu's images, which you can discover below, capture the elemental beauty of Escobedo's pavilion, defined by a permeable cement tile façade inspired by Mexican celosias.
Step Into BIG's 2016 Serpentine Pavilion with This 360° Panorama
Following the success of last year's virtual tour of Selgascano's 2015 Serpentine Pavilion, Photographer Nikhilesh Haval of nikreations has shared with us his virtual tour of BIG's 2016 Pavilion entry. Hosted this year on Google Street View, the tour allows you to move through and around the "unzipped wall" design, giving you the ability to perceive how sunlight interacts with the structure.