英国皇家建筑师协会 (RIBA)公布了获得2019年 RIBA 国家奖的54个建筑名单。自1966年起,该奖项旨在表彰英国最佳新建建筑。小至国王约翰签署《大宪章》场地上的一座小型石亭,大可至伦敦最繁忙的交通枢纽之一的大型改建项目,这些获奖作品展示了当今英国建筑的广度。

2019年 RIBA 国家奖的54个获奖建筑作品所呈现出的主要趋势包括:翻新改造保护建筑(listed buildings)和历史建筑;打造优质的文化场所;一些具有示范性质的大体量住宅建筑。荣获2019年 RIBA 国家奖的建筑作品将与赋予其生命力的客户、建筑师和施工团队一同分享该奖项。

正如 RIBA 主席 Ben Derbyshire 所言,“尽管近年来遇到了一些政治和经济上的挑战,此2019年 RIBA 国家奖展示了英国建筑一如既往地具有高适应性,极富才能,并以优先考虑社区为设计中心。我特别感动的是,这次超过三分之一(54个中的20个)的获奖建筑都是对已有建筑进行再创造。考虑到全球环境变化带来的影响,我们必须鼓励可持续性建设和对优质建筑的投资,恰如那些具有启发性并可流传世代的项目。当国家迫切地寻求创新且优质的经济适用房时,此次的作品刚好提供了一些示范性的方案,为此我深感荣幸。我希望所有地方当局和开发人员都能看一看这些获奖作品,从中找到灵感,并建造出理想且实用的建筑。”

2019 RIBA 国家奖得主:
- 168 Upper Street (London, N1) / Groupwork
- 4 Pancras Square (London, W1) / Eric Parry Architects
- A Restorative Rural Retreat for Sartfell (Isle of Man) / Foster Lomas
- Alexandra Palace (London, N22) / Feilden Clegg Bradley Studios
- Battersea Arts Centre (London, SW11) / Haworth Tompkins
- Brentford Lock West Keelson Gardens (London, TW8) / Mæ with White Ink Architects
- Bristol Old Vic / Haworth Tompkins
- Coal Drops Yard (London, N1C) / Heatherwick Studio with BAM Design
- Collective on Calton Hill (Edinburgh, Scotland) / Collective Architecture
- Cork House (Berkshire) / MPH Architects
- Colin Connect Transport Hub and Colin Town Square (Belfast, Northern Ireland) / Hall McKnight
- Eddington Masterplan, Cambridge / AECOM
- Eddington, Lot 1, North West Cambridge / WilkinsonEyre with Mole Architects
- Eleanor Palmer Science Lab (London, NW5) / AY Architects
- Goldsmith Street (Norwich) / Mikhail Riches
- Great Arthur House (London, EC1Y) / John Robertson Architects
- Hackney Wick Station (London) / Landolt + Brown
- Hampshire House / Niall McLaughlin Architects
- Hill House Passivhaus (East Sussex) / Meloy Architects
- House Lessans (Saintfield, Northern Ireland) / McGonigle McGrath
- Kettle's Yard (Cambridge) / Jamie Fobert Architects
- Kingswood Preparatory School and Nursery (Bath) / Stonewood Design
- LAMDA (London, W14) / Niall McLaughlin Architects
- London Bridge Station / Grimshaw
- Mackintosh at the Willow (Glasgow, Scotland) / Simpson & Brown
- Mapleton Crescent (London, SW18) / Metropolitan Workshop
- Marmalade Lane Cohousing (Cambridge) / Mole Architects
- Merano (London, SE1) / Rogers Stirk Harbour + Partners with EPR
- Music School, King's College School Wimbledon (London, SW19) / Hopkins Architects
- Nevill Holt Opera (Leicestershire) / Witherford Watson Mann Architects
- Nithurst Farm (West Sussex) / Adam Richards Architects
- North West Cambridge Utility Buildings / Robin Lee Architecture
- Ordsall Chord (Manchester) / BDP
- Peter Hall Performing Arts Centre (Cambridge) / Haworth Tompkins
- Pitzhanger Manor and Gallery (London, W5) / Jestico + Whiles with Julian Harrap Architects
- Preston Bus Station Refurbishment / John Puttick Associates with Cassidy+Ashton
- Royal Opera House Open Up (London, WC2E) / Stanton Williams
- Secular Retreat (Devon) / Mole Architects with Atelier Peter Zumthor
- Sevenoaks School Science and Technology Centre and Global Study Centre / Tim Ronalds Architects
- Signal Townhouses (London, SE1) / Allford Hall Monaghan Morris
- Simon Sainsbury Centre, Cambridge Judge Business School (Cambridge) / Stanton Williams
- South London Gallery Fire Station (London, SE15) / 6a Architects
- Southbank Centre (London, SE1) / Feilden Clegg Bradley Studios with Archer Humphryes Architects
- Teaching and Learning Building, University of Nottingham / Make Architects
- Television Centre (London, W12) / Allford Hall Monaghan Morris with MacCreanor Lavington, Morris+Company, dRMM, Mikhail Riches, Piercy+Co, Haptic, Archer Humphryes and Coffey Architects
- The Beecroft Building, University of Oxford / Hawkins\Brown
- The Dorothy Garrod Building, Newnham College (Cambridge) / Walters & Cohen Architects
- The Macallan Distillery (Aberlour, Scotland) / Rogers Stirk Harbour + Partners
- The Painted Hall (London, SE10) / Hugh Broughton Architects with Martin Ashley Architects
- The Queens Diamond Jubilee Galleries (London, SW1) / MUMA LLP
- The Weston, Yorkshire Sculpture Park / Feilden Fowles Architects
- V&A Dundee / Kengo Kuma & Associates with PiM.studio Architects and James F Stephen Architects
- Westminster Abbey Triforium Project (London, SW1) / Ptolemy Dean Architects
- Writ in Water (Runnymede, Surrey) / Studio Octopi