今年建筑界的最高荣誉奖普利兹克奖授予于:爱尔兰建筑事务所 Grafton Architects 合伙人伊凡娜·法瑞尔(Yvonne Farrell)和雪莉·麦克纳马拉(Shelley McNamara)。两人最初在都柏林大学建筑系相遇相知,于1978年,联合其他三人共同创立了 Grafton Architects。Grafton 名字源自都柏林的一条街道,就是她们的第一间办公室所在的街道,意在表示她们的设计有限考虑场所而非个体的存在。
法瑞尔和麦克纳马拉,自1976年毕业后,至2006年均在建筑学院任教。她们将建筑教育形容为“平行的现实(parallel reality)”建筑学的教育是一种总结经验提取思想,并将其赠予后代的方法。此间同时,她们也曾在全球多家高校授课,包括洛桑联邦理工学院和门德里西奥建筑学院。
2012年,她们的“建筑是新的世界地图(Architecture as New Geography)”一展而荣获威尼斯建筑双年展银狮奖。2018年在威尼斯双年展中,担任第十六届国际建筑展“自由空间(FREESPACE)”的联合策展人。
2019 伦敦金斯顿大学学习中心,英国伦敦
2015 利马工程技术大学教学楼,秘鲁利马
2012 利默里克大学医学院,爱尔兰
2008 博科尼大学, 意大利米兰
2008 滑铁卢小镇,爱尔兰都柏林
2007 冬至艺术中心,爱尔兰
2002 都柏林大学机械制造系扩建,爱尔兰都柏林
2019 Institut Mines Télécom, Paris, Saclay, France
2019 Université Toulouse 1 Capitole, Toulouse, France
2011 Ashford Social Housing, Dublin, Ireland
2009 Offices for the Department of Finance, Dublin, Ireland
2008 Drogheda Fire and Rescue Services Station, Drogheda, Ireland
2008 Philibin Bowman Extension, Dublin, Ireland
2008 Greenfield House Extension, Dublin, Ireland
2006 Extension to School of Mechanical Engineering (Phases II and III), Dublin, Ireland
2006 Loreto Community School, Milford, Ireland
2005 Dalkey, Social Housing, Dublin, Ireland
2003 Ardscoil Mhuire Ballinasloe, Galway, Ireland
2003 North Kildare Educate Together School, Celbridge, Ireland
2003 Coláiste Eoin agus Íosagáin, Dublin, Ireland
2001 Office Infill, Dublin City University, Dublin, Ireland
2001 Civic Offices Public Building and Public Space, Dunshaughlin, Ireland
2001 Hanlon House, Dublin, Ireland
2000 North King Street Housing, Dublin, Ireland
2000 Landscape and Infrastructure Project, Dublin, Ireland
2000 South Earl Street Housing, Dublin, Ireland
1999 Denzille Lane Cinema, Dublin, Ireland
1998 Office Building, Little Strand Street, Dublin, Ireland
1998 Motorway Bridges, Ireland
1998 Gill House, Westport, Ireland
1998 Mara House, Kinvara, Ireland
1998 Dix House, Howth, Ireland
1999 Hall House, Dublin, Ireland
1996 The Department of Mechanical Engineering (Phase I), Trinity College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland
1992-99 Oughterard, Castleblayney and Celbridge Schools, Oughterard, Castleblayney, Celbridge, Ireland
1996 Temple Bar Square, Public Space and Mixed Use Building, Dublin, Ireland
1995 Gray & O’Connell House, Doolin, Ireland
1992 Boland & Kane Mews Houses, Dublin, Ireland