英国皇家建筑师学会(RIBA)近日宣布了2021年度研究类主席奖章和奖项的获奖项目,这些获奖项目体现了建筑与环境领域的最高研究水准。其中,来自香港大学的 John Lin 和 Sony Devabhaktuni 因其关于中国乡村本土建筑实践的研究项目As Found House而获得主席奖章,另外两个奖项则颁予了为建筑从业者制定的道德指南和一个对古巴薄瓦拱顶的研究项目。

“从对遗忘已久的中国乡村本土建筑实践的杰出研究,到对古巴拱顶的细致探索,再到将伦理道德嵌入实践本身的研究项目,我高度赞扬这些发人深省的研究,因为它们对建筑理论和实践作出了卓越贡献。”——RIBA主席Simon Allford

- 教育 (2021 年度主题):Will I Cause Harm?: Practising Ethics Guides for Built Environment Research by Dr David Roberts, Prof Jane Rendell & Dr Yael Padan from the Bartlett School of Architecture at UCL; and Ariana Markowitz & Dr Emmanuel Osuteye from the Bartlett Development Planning Unit at UCL.
- 城市和社区: As Found Houses: Experiments from Self-builders in Rural China by John Lin & Sony Devabhaktuni from the Department of Architecture at the University of Hong Kong.
- 历史和理论: Beyond the National Art Schools: Thin-Tile Vaulting in Cuba after the Revolution by Dr Mohammad Wesam Al Asali & Dr Michael H. Ramage from the Department of Architecture at the University of Cambridge; and Dr Dania González Couret from the Universidad Tecnológica de la Habana, José Antonio Echeverría, Cuba.
- 设计和技术: A commendation has also been awarded to Professor Elena Marco at the University of The West of England for Stuff and Space in the Home: Space for Storage as the forgotten design and well-being dimension in standardised housing.
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