MAD 建筑事务所由中国建筑师马岩松于 2004 年创立,并由马岩松、党群、早野洋介领导。它致力于探寻建筑的未来之路,将东方思想带入建筑实践,创造一种人与自然、天地对话的氛围与意境,探索建筑文化实践。每一天,工作在 MAD 北京、洛杉矶和罗马办公室的建筑师将充沛的设计热情投诸于传递我们对建筑空间的理解和表达,创造流畅,富于远见和科技性的建筑意境。
MAD Architects is a global studio of talented architects, designers, and creative thinkers. We are dedicated to impact the experience and understanding of the built space that surrounds us, and from there we develop visionary, fluid, and technologically advanced designs that embody a contemporary interpretation of the Eastern affinity for nature.
从大型宜居城市规划到体现想象力的城市综合体建筑、博物馆、歌剧院、社会住宅、老城改造及艺术作品,MAD 在坚持独特设计视角的同时,力求在人文、城市和环境之间建立和谐的平衡关系。目前,MAD 全球范围的建筑实践包括卢卡斯叙事艺术博物馆,深圳湾文化广场,嘉兴火车站,义乌大剧院,海南云洞图书馆和分别位于巴黎、罗马和洛杉矶的住宅项目等。
Our team of 130 works across offices in Beijing, Los Angeles, and Rome. Our projects range from large-scale urban developments and masterplan to imaginative civic, cultural, residential and hospitality buildings of varying scale. We endeavor to improve the balance between people, their built environment, and their natural surroundings.