建筑界的大新闻:1月19日 ,Architecture for Humanity 这个世界领先的建筑慈善机构据报道已经破产,并关闭了其位于旧金山的总部。就消息本身而言,还不够引人注目,但在之后却发生了两件有趣的事情:首先,许多人开始怀疑机构在美国和其他地方的分会组织会如何形成;其次,一些作家开始揭露长期存在的分歧。
北京当代艺术基金会(Beijing Contemporary Art Foundation)已委托大都会建筑事务所(OMA)担当第56届威尼斯双年展2015中国馆的相关设计工作。中国馆将以“民间未来(Other Future)”呼应双年展的总主题“全世界的未来”,邀请中国当代艺术主流视野之外的一群个性十足的创作者,呈现他们多年来持续构建的人文创造、思想对话和旺盛的生命力,这其中包括谭盾,刘家琨,陆扬,吴文光(草场地工作站)与文慧(生活舞蹈工作室)等人。
OMA has won an international competition to design Pont Jean-Jacques Bosc, a bridge across the river Garonne in Bordeaux, France, that will link the municipalities of Bègles and Floriac. The 44m by 545m bridge, which will act as "a generous new public space" and "an urban planning intervention" for the city, giving priority to pedestrian traffic, is the first to be realized by OMA. It is scheduled for completion in 2018.
According to Clément Blanchet, director of OMAFrance, the bridge "is not the ‘event’ in the city, but a platform that can accommodate events of the city [...it] may be the least technical, least lyrical, but [it is] the most concise and effective structural solution.”
The architect's description of the project, after the break...