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Houston: 最新资讯

Brochstein Pavilion

Brochstein Pavilion - 展馆Brochstein Pavilion - 展馆Brochstein Pavilion - 展馆Brochstein Pavilion - 展馆Brochstein Pavilion - 更多图片+ 21

Houston, 美国
  • 建筑师:  The Office of James Burnett, Thomas Phifer & Partners; Thomas Phifer & Partners,  The Office of James Burnett
  • 面积 该建筑项目的领域 面积:  557
  • 项目年份 该建筑项目的竣工年份 项目年份:  2007

Downtown Houston Central Station Design Competition Shortlist /

Downtown Houston Central Station Design Competition Shortlist /  - 社区建筑Downtown Houston Central Station Design Competition Shortlist /  - 社区建筑Downtown Houston Central Station Design Competition Shortlist /  - 社区建筑Downtown Houston Central Station Design Competition Shortlist /  - 社区建筑Downtown Houston Central Station Design Competition Shortlist /  - 更多图片+ 16